Yes, I went there, but dancing houseware aside we are very happy to announce the launch of our new Guest System for Middlebury College. This service will allow people who do not already have a relationship with the college to create a username and password that can be used to access some of our web services.

Screen shot 2013-04-03 at 3.33.07 PMNow a guest lecturer can be added to a Moodle course. Collaboration with colleagues from other institutions can happen in a WordPress site. A resident of Middlebury can create a page that shows them the latest athletic scores next to a list of on campus events.

What guests will have access to
Course Scheduler (can create schedules, but not email them)
Portal (can customize their layout)
Commenting on WordPress (
Moodle sites open to anyone with a Middlebury login (placement tests)
Can submit and track their tickets in Web Helpdesk

What guests can be given access to
Can be made contributors/authors/editors of WordPress sites (
Can be made teacher/students of Moodle sites.
Can be made editors of wikis (

What guests will not have access to
Editing in Drupal (,,
Creating GO links
Creating a WordPress site
Public computers
Wireless internet
Course Hub
Uploading to MiddMedia
Ride Board

This list may change over time as new services are added and new needs are identified.

You may test the new Guest System yourself by browsing to and using a or email account.