The Flying Words Project
Saturday, Feb. 23rd
7:30pm in McCullough Social Space
The Flying Words Project is an American Sign Language (ASL) poetry troupe comprised of Deaf Poet Peter Cook and hearing coauthor Kenny Lerner. The goal of Flying Words is to play with language, which Cook and Lerner accomplish by juxtaposing imagery you can see into their work. By combining both modern and ancient aspect of poetry into their work they produce an unforgettable visceral and visual experience for multicultural audiences. An interpreter will be present.
Free admission; donations are welcome.
Organized by The ASL Club
Cosponsored by: Atwater, Brainerd, Cook, Wonnacott Commons; The InterCommons Council; The Office of the Dean of the College; American Studies Spiegel Family Fung; The Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity; Student Accessibility Services Office; English and American Literature Department