Page One Literacy and the Education Studies Program present this fall’s Alexander Twilight Afterschool Workshop series:
“Around the World”
Ji Eun Lee ’14 and Virginia Wiltshire-Gordon ’16
Every week we will explore a new country through arts and crafts, dance, music, and possibly food! The tentative list of countries is currently: Kenya, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Burundi, Suriname, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Palau, Thailand, South Korea, and Cambodia.
This workshop will meet 3:30-5:30 on Mondays only, it is recommended for children in grades 1-3.
The cost is $6 per day to cover snacks and supplies. All workshops will meet in Twilight Hall from October 22-December 3 (with Thanksgiving week off). To register your child for a workshop or more information please contact Trish Dougherty or visit our website at go/afterschool.