go/learning is a workshop series focused on improving skills and effectiveness for all employees. Many of the topics offered will be adapted from the Manager Training completed between January and March 2012, such as our first offering:
“Setting SMART Goals”
May 16, 9-10:30 a.m.
Location: Axinn 100
You will learn:
- What makes up a SMART goal
- The advantages of SMART goals
- How to write SMART Goals
- How to apply them to:
- Work results
- Personal development
Ways to register:
- click this link: go/learning
- Or click this link: Middlebury College for the college website and type in go/learning in the top bar
- Although registration on the go/learning Web page is preferred, you may also register by calling Human Resources at 443-5465. Please leave a message with a way to contact you
About the workshops: The workshops are open to all employees. The same topic will offered two times over two months*
For your planning purposes, the workshops will typically be held on:
- 2nd Wednesday from 2-3:30 p.m., or
- 3rd Wednesday from 9-10:30 a.m.
* For May we will offer a repeat of the same session in the same month.
Please note: Managers are encouraged to support staff attendance. Staff members are encouraged to seek managerial support in advance so work distribution can be adjusted and planned.