Dear Colleagues,

CTLR’s 2011 Pedagogy Series continues tomorrow, January 14th with a lecture and discussion, Race and Nature Writing, presented by John Elder. This event is co-sponsored with the Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity. Please see below for a description and more information. We hope to see you there.

All the best,
Jeanne Albert

Race and Nature Writing
A Lecture and Discussion
John Elder
Friday, January 14 • 12:30 – 2:00 pm • Lunch provided at noon
Hillcrest 103 (Orchard Room)
The subjects of race and environmental justice have become increasingly central to environmental studies in general and the literature of nature in particular. To complement the Thoreauvian tradition of nature writing, John Elder has used texts by American writers of color and the haiku of Basho. During his presentation, Professor Elder will offer a personal account of this experience, and will also read selections from his current project. He will describe how his perception of the Vermont landscape has been transformed by learning more about Vermont’s Abenaki heritage and about a community of African-American farmers in the town of Hinesburg. There will be ample opportunity after his presentation to discuss other ways that faculty members integrate issues of race and cultural diversity into their classes.
Co-sponsored by the Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity

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