Class, Culture, Representation

Week 10 Day 2 Discussion Question 4


Desmond writes, “Exploitation. Now, there’s a word that has been scrubbed out of the poverty debate” (page 305). What are some of the industries that bene t from impoverished communities and inner-city neighborhoods? Why do many poor areas present lucrative business opportunities? Do you think that managing evictions should be a for-profit industry? Why or why not? How do companies like Eagle Moving and Storage bene t from evictions? 70% of the moves Eagle stored following eviction became delinquent and were discarded. Do you think tenants should have protections when facing acute poverty following eviction?

This question appears in the Penguin Study Guide.

Author: Holly Allen

I am an Assistant Professor in the American Studies Program at Middlebury College. I teach courses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century U.S. cultural history, gender studies, disability, and consumer culture.

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