Bely is well known as an author of novels and of plays, but he was also an artist. He painted many paintings throughout his lifetime. Many of these paintings include the same deep, dark blue Kandinsky often used, which is discussed further in the page under the Kandinsky heading entitled “Anthroposophical Connections.”
Bely’s paintings are also similar to Kandinsky’s in that they do not focus on the object of the painting, but rather on colors and general shapes. Little commentary is available thus far in English on the paintings. However, it seems likely that Bely followed principles similar to those of Kandinsky, and worked away from representations of reality toward form and color meant to be illustrative of other things with deeper meanings.
Auf der unteren Zeichnung Notiz – ‘Dr. St. – Wohltatige Wesen hilft zur befreiung des Aetherleibes auch wenn es Schmerz verursacht’