Monthly Archives: September 2008

Supporting information: diagnosing the problem of ‘solutions’

Resources on microfinance:

The Green Revolution (NB, all you folks studying food …)

Larry Brilliant

On the pace and scale of social change

Critiques from anthropologists and political scientists

Michael’s work in Indonesia

Do leading policy makers ‘think like ecologists?’

I thought we had a very good discussion on Thursday.  And Alex sent me an email , which I have reprinted here in full.  Please comment on this excellent point that Alex has made … (and note how ot relates to our discussion of your own training here at Midd …)

Professor Isham
I was just thinking on the way out of class about the point that policy makers/designers should think like an ecologist; this made me consider what disciplines and professions have been most involved with the development process and it immediately struck me that the wrong people are in it. Consider this list
Obviously, each of these professions plays a different part, but the thing that stood out to me is that the first two, which I bolded, are probably the least equipped to help build sustainable community, and would be least in tune with Metis, and unfortunately probably have the largest stake at present. Even though Bill Gates’ intentions seem pure, think of what his training is and what his skills are… global domination of the software market, or Bill Clinton as we also mentioned (political manuevering).

The essence of Three Cups of Tea

What is the importance of the material in Three Cups of Tea for our class?  How can the rest of the world — other social entrepreneurs, elected officials, leaders of NGOs and transnational organizations — learn from Mortenson’s experience in Pakistan?  Please use the comments section to offer your ideas: I will make sure that we integrate them into Tuesday’s discussion.

Getting started

In this course, we will use this online tool to communicate among ourselves.  As you can see on the left, I will document information about your projects on the blog’s ‘pages.’  I will also use this space to include news articles for us all to comment on.  And we can just keep track of logistics here!  Onward …