
How can I keep up the pace in our race toward carbon neutrality?

We need everyone to be involved because seemingly small individual choices can make a big difference for the whole campus. For example, if each person on campus replaced one incandescent bulb with a compact fluorescent, we would save nearly $30,000 over nine months and eliminate 10 tons of CO2 emissions. Below are additional actions you can take to join the Middlebury community in the race to reach carbon neutrality.  Check out the back page for how to get involved in a campus wide challenge to save money and electricity in your dorm or office.


  1. Turn it off
  2. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs
  3. Share a fridge

Heating and Cooling

  1. Adjust the thermostat
  2. Close your window
  3. Use less hot water


  1. Walk, bike, use mass transit, and carpool
  2. Drive smart
  3. Buy fuel-efficient vehicles


  1. Reduce
  2. Reuse
  3. Recycle


  1. Communicate without traveling
  2. Reduce air travel
  3. Book direct flights