Tag Archives: land taxes

Field of dreams in a country of innovators

Ozerova, Marina. “Field of dreams in a country of innovators” (“Pole chudes v strane innovatorov”), Moskovskiy Komsomolets, 25366, 2 June 2010. 15 July 2010 http://www.mk.ru/economics/article/2010/06/01/502106-pole-chudes-v-strane-innovatorov.html

Summary of legislation introduced to Duma by Medvedev regarding the management organization of Skolkovo.  The now state-owned lands of the new “technopolis” will be handed over into the ownership of a president-appointed “management company;” however, the company will not be allowed to sell the land, only rent it to participating investors.  These investors (tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Nokia, Siemens, etc.) are expected to receive huge tax breaks and which will not be expected to pay any taxes for their first ten years of operations if certain profit levels are not met.  These exemptions will also include exemptions from property and land taxes.

Russian administration plans to nullify land category divisions

“Administration of Russia plans to introduce nullification of land category divisions” (“Pravitel’stvo Rossii planiruet provesti otmenu deleniya zemel’ na kategorii”), World Heritage Sites, 2 March 2010. 27 July 2010 http://rpmira.org/news/468.

Explication of new legislative reforms, which will most notably end land classifications (i.e. agricultural; urban; industrial; special reservations; forest reserves; water reserves; land reservoir).  The goal of the new law is to decrease the pressure of bureaucratic corruption in land transactions and rezoning processes.  The 52 items amending current legislation should go into action in 2011.  In place of the complicated system of land categories, a Ministry of Economic Development representative says, the structure of allocated use for land plots will be strengthened through renewed territorial planning and city zoning plans.  The law will also impose penal tax rates for enterprises sitting on unused state lands, which administrators hope will push these enterprises to either use or dispose of the lands, removing the burden of “blocked lands,” which otherwise would be well utilized.

Another aim of the legislation is to increase transparency of land transactions and accessibility: information about available plots will be posted on the land Cadastre’s new online database, and all land will be required to be sold at auction.  The distribution of permissions to build on land should be simplified, and will be overseen by the administration.

Helping developers

“Helping developers” (“Zastroyshchiku pomogli”), Ekspert Ural 6 (408), 15 February 2010. 1 July 2010 http://www.expert.ru/printissues/ural/2010/06/news_zasrtoischiku_pomogli/.

Report on the Ekaterinburg city Duma’s decreasing the rates on yearly taxes paid by developers owning land plots occupied by multi-story buildings, from 0.1% to 0.06% of the land’s Cadastral value. This will affect 108 privately-owned land plots in the city (the largest portion of which are held by development firm “Renova-Stroygrupp”), including many in the sizable Akademicheskii region (9,000 m2) under development now. This will free up vast amounts of money for many firms: taxes incurred by Akademicheskii developers will drop from 52 to 31 million rubles, for instance; small firms will benefit, too. Some are raising their voices against the “privileges” (e.g. special buy-out prices) being afforded to large developers, mistrusting Duma deputies’ claims that the Akademicheskii region is primarily being built for accessible, low-cost housing, or alternately, that it will catalyst greater economic growth in the region.

Note: Other various articles (since February) have reported the general success of the first Akademicheskii regions to open.

News of the Week

“News of the Week,” Ekspert Volga 38 (153), 5 October 2009.  30 June 2010 http://www.expert.ru/printissues/volga/2009/38/news_week/.

The Republic of Tatarstan’s Gossovet deputies proposed an amendment to the RF Land Code that would allow seizures of land, the owners of which have not paid their land taxes or put the land to use in the last three years. The proceeds from these lands’ auctions (minus transaction costs) would be used as compensation for the previous proprietors, from whom the land was seized. “The measures put forth by the deputies, indubitably, could enliven the land market and shrink the number of ineffectively used lands.”

In Volgograd, municipality will cooperate with industrial enterprises in buying out land plots

“In Volgograd, municipality will cooperate with industrial enterprises in buying out land plots” (“V Volgograde munitsipalitet okazhet sodeystvie promyshlennym predpriyatiyam v vykupe zemel’nykh uchastkov”), Zem.ru, 28 September 2009.  26 July 2010 http://www.zem.ru/all/825/.

The state of land reform in Volgograd.  The Volgograd municipality is offering a discount price on land buy-outs, if purchased by enterprises before the end of 2009; the relative stability of land tax rates, as opposed to more in-flux lease payments, is another incentive to buy out, the article adds.  The city administration is encouraging full privatization of land since land taxes on private land help fill the city budget.  The 400 hectares of federal land, on which 15 large industrial enterprises are currently situated, currently add some 123 million rubles to the city coffers annually; if reformulated as rents from the federal government, the city will lose these monies.  Committee on land resources chairperson Irina Anisimova is pleased that 80 new enterprise land privatizations in 2008 were added to the total 290 privatized industrial land plots, though she realizes this momentum must be sustained.  Although city administration affirms its readiness to cooperate with enterprises in quickly formulating buy-out documents, disparities between Cadastral appraisal prices and market prices are sure to fuel disagreements over buy-out prices.

Land taxes increase 50 times over

“Land taxes increase 50 times over” (“Zemel’niy nalog podorozhaet v 50 raz”), Agentstvo “Kadastrovie Novosti”, 11 September 2009. Federal Cadastre Agency for Real Estate, Media Materials: 14 July 2010 http://r41.kadastr.ru/news/media/1059085/.

Reporting on land tax raises as a result of new Cadastral evaluations.  Land values in Samarskaya Oblast are up 40-60%, in Rostovskaya Oblast they have increased 5 times over, and in Smolensk Oblast they are up 47.7 times.  Rosnedvizhimost’ officers say that tax rates have not yet been adjusted to new market conditions coming after a peak in the land market in late 2007/early 2008.  A managing partner of Miller Samuell Real-Group says these taxes “will simply kill any proprietor and will place a cross on the back of any business.”  In Smolenskaya Oblast, values of land plots under industrial enterprises have increased 47 times, which specialists say will harm production costs, productivity of local industry, profits, and competitiveness.

Problems for other enterprises and administrative bodies have arisen: in Moscow, City Hall is threatening terminating developers’ contracts for residential construction on some 5 million square meters of land that Rosreyester is refusing to register.  The Moscow Oblast Forestry Management has gone against federal recommendations in completing some of its recent land transactions; similar forestry land-use scandals have taken place in Petersburg and Leningradskaya Oblast, as well.

Note: Recent (in action since January 2010) changes to the land tax code are outlined at http://taxpravo.ru/analitika/statya-71574-popravki_po_regionalnyim_i_mestnyim_nalogam_v_2010_godu.

The Surveyor

Belykh, Anton.  “The Surveyor” (“Zemlemer”), Biznes-Zhurnal 7, 10 April 2007. 15 July 2010 http://www.business-magazine.ru/trends/government/pub282369.

Survey of Moscow land reform.  Article discusses the unwillingness of the Moscow bureaucracy to let go of land ownership, despite the April 2006 passage of No 431-PP “On the transfer of land plots in the city of Moscow to private ownership,” which was aimed at bringing Moscow land legislation and procedures in line with the federal Land Code.  More precisely, it was to change what had been, for all intents and purposes, a non-existent procedure for land privatization into its first existence.  For the law firm Vegas Lex, despite the significant number of land buy-out applications filed with the firm in the first nine months of the new law being in effect, no more than 10 privatization transactions have been successful.  Oleg Ryzhkov and his officers promise that the number of unsuccessful privatizations will soon start to come down.  In addition the bureaucracy’s grasping onto its land rights as a power control, the article also points out that lease payments from land tenants (mostly developers) generate more revenue than would land taxes (i.e., than they did in 2007 at publication).