Via Middlebury Magazine –
What’s Happening at Old Stone Mill
by Stephen Diehl and Blair Kloman
It may boast a stoic and traditional exterior, but behind the doors of Old Stone Mill, all kinds of crazy things are happening. Crickets are a nutritional snack, origami makes great jewelry, and ten strangers get together monthly for a dinner party.
Based on the premise that students need space to explore their ideas, the OSM, as it’s known, is a hub of student-driven activity. Interested students can present their non-academic and self-designed project ideas to the all-student board, who then select tenants for each semester.
Middmag went to OSM’s fall showcase and met up with some of the current tenants, including an app developer, a clothes designer, a group opening a beauty salon for women of color, and many other creative and ambitious young folks.
– See more at: http://sites.middlebury.edu/middmag/2012/12/06/whats-happening-at-old-stone-mill/#sthash.80T1QtlZ.dpuf