Weekly Web Updates – September 9, 2019

We have launched a new site for undergraduate admissions. This is the first part of the undergraduate college website to go live in our new Drupal 8 system.

Up until 2010, GO had a feature where we sent a notification email each night to shortcut admins to let them know if any of their GO codes weren’t working. We’ve brought this feature back, but made it a weekly instead of a nightly email. If you’d like to receive this message, you can opt-in by clicking the Notify link in the GO administration interface and setting your preference.


  • Drupal 8.7.7
  • Drupal field_collection 7.x-1.0 and 7.x-1.1
  • WordPress 5.2.3
  • WordPress badgeos plugin 3.2
  • WordPress enable-media-replace plugin 3.3.6
  • WordPress foobox-image-lightbox plugin 2.7.5
  • WordPress foogallery plugin 1.8.12
  • WordPress jetpack plugin 7.7
  • WordPress the-events-calendar plugin 4.9.8
  • WordPress responsive theme 3.16.4

Fixes and Tweaks

  • Added a “Chat with a librarian” widget to the Library website.
  • Added navigation menus for the subpages of the Museum Studies at Oxford program.
  • We’ve tuned our settings so that SiteImprove can now crawl the Drupal 8 sites we’re building before they’ve been launched to identify broken links and spelling errors.

Ongoing Work

  • Creating a new “Offices” site for institution-wide anchor functions.
  • Creating new Drupal 8 sites for our schools and programs.
  • Upgrading the Course Hub to Drupal 8.