June 16th downtime – Videoconferencing bridge & software

Dear Colleagues,

Due to the installation of a new firewall, the videoconferencing bridge and polycom software will be unavailable on June 16th, from 9:00am EST – 5:00pm EST. If you need access to videoconferencing software or bridging capability on June 16th from 9am to 5pm please contact me and I can provide you with an alternative.

In addition, any calls between videoconferencing rooms will need to be done using the backup addresses in the address book of each system. Please contact me if you have a video conference planned on June 16th.

We will follow up immediately after completing testing, and no later than 5:00pm on June 16th, to notify you that the software and the bridge are available.

The firewall is essential to better protect our videoconferencing equipment that is being used more extensively than ever before. We chose this date by looking at the schedule of videoconferences and the overall schedule of summer programs.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


One thought on “June 16th downtime – Videoconferencing bridge & software

  1. Petar Mitrevski Post author

    Dear Colleagues,

    The firewall installation is complete and the videoconferencing systems, including bridge, software and classrooms are now operational. Please continue to use the systems as you have used them in the past, there are no changes to the way you make and receive calls.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


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