Area 51 notes, Feb. 2, 2012

Present:  Mary Backus, Mike Roy, Shel Sax, Carol Peddie and Doreen Bernier
Absent: Simpkins, Norris

Tim Spears was scheduled to join the group and discuss the staff survey results, as he and Mike have done with all workgroups within LIS.  Because not all AD team members were available for today’s meeting, Tim decided that he will instead join the ADs at a future meeting, when everyone is available.

The shortened meeting was then dedicated to handling administrative tasks revolving around scheduling the optional all LIS staff meetings and preparing agendas for our monthly managers and regular all-staff meetings.

  • February 9th – Manager’s meeting – staff survey themes, debrief
  • February 15th All staff meeting will be rescheduled for March 2nd when Tim Spears will discuss staff survey themes.
  • February 17th – Optional All Staff meeting – eBooks with Terry Simpkins and Rebekah Irwin (more info to follow)
  • March 16 – Optional All Staff meeting – Alison Byerly will discuss digital humanities, (more info to follow)
  • March 30 – Possible In-Service Day – more info to follow
  • April 6 – Optional All Staff meeting – Chris Norris will address disaster recovery (more info to follow)

We had a brief discussion on the approval/implementation process for Service Level Agreements.

Thanks for reading,

Doreen & Terry