Update on Yesterday’s Google Analytics Update

I had not realized that the Custom Advanced Segments that I created as an administrator would not be available to other users. Here are links to each custom segment that you can import into your account. In order for this to work, you have to (at least temporarily) switch back to the Old Version of the Google Analytics interface, since segment sharing hasn’t been added to the new version yet. You can switch back to the New Version as soon as you’re done importing the segments you want.

Site middlebury.edu (all) middlebury.edu (internal) middlebury.edu (external)
bat.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
biblio.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
sites.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
boxoffice.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
cat.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
catalog.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
courses.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
eres.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
ezproxy.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
facstaff.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
go.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
google.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
m.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
measure.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
mediawiki.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
menus.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
middarchive.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
middathletics.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
midddigital.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
middlab.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
middstart.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
moodle.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
museum.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
portal.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
sandcat.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
segue.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
seguecommunity.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
sp.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
students.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
web.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external
www.middlebury.edu Add to all Add to internal Add to external

The reason we’re using Advanced Segments here instead of separate profiles with filters is that we’ve reached the internal limit of 50 profiles and would have to delete some of the historical data in order to create new ones. Chris is in touch with our Google reps about increasing our quota and, if he’s successful, we’ll create profiles for each of these services. You’ll still be able to use these Advanced Segments on the main profiles and, personally, I find them a lot easier to work with.

You can also create your own Advanced Segments to filter the Analytics data. Here’s how I created each of these to filter on Hostname (these steps use the New Version):

  1. Click on Advanced Segments in the Standard Reporting screen.
  2. Click on + New Custom Segment.
  3. Give it a name like site.middlebury.edu
  4. Choose Hostname from the green drop-down box.
  5. Choose Matching RegExp from the next drop-down box.
  6. In the text field enter ^site\.middlebury\.edu
  7. Click Save segment.
The “^” character means “at the start of” in a regular expression. This way we can filter on, say, m.middlebury.edu and not have it conflict with museum.middlebury.edu. The “\” is used as an escape character for the period, which has a special meaning in regular expressions.