Area 51 notes, Dec. 8, 2011

Present:  Mike Roy, Chris Norris, Shel Sax, Carol Peddie, Mary Backus, Terry Simpkins and Doreen Bernier

Mike indicated that there would be another meeting in early January with UVM regarding the shared science computing cluster.  Also, we will be creating a shared space to store contact information for both schools in order to facilitate collaboration.

It was noted that LIS needs to define a list of governance and approval for technology issues such as network monitoring, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), the Leads program, and Google Apps.  In other words, who are the decision making entities for these issues (e.g. Academic Affairs, President’s Staff, Web Prioritization Committee, etc.)?

We discussed and confirmed plans for system downtime during the holiday break.  LIS has notified offices of the downtime schedule.  Helpdesk will be closed during the break.  Carol and some members of CSNS will be in during the break to troubleshoot any issues that might arise.

We reviewed and confirmed the timeline for the Banner migration to Sungard hosting over the weekend of Dec. 9-11.

We continued discussing the LIS staffing plan in light of additional information from Mike.  There was consensus about how to proceed, and Mike will continue to make our case and discuss our proposal with Tim in advance of the SRC meeting on Dec. 16.

The Language Schools summer debriefing indicated that things went very well this year, with few major problems.  A major shout-out to everyone involved with supporting this work!

The agenda for the Dec 15 SLT meeting:

  • Network monitoring policy discussion
  • Change management – web servers
  • Results of discussing LIS values with workgroup leaders
  • Friday morning open discussions idea: what if we had open meetings every friday AM to discuss some topic/issue of current interest?
  • SLT Goals: when can we discuss/finalize?
  • 2012-13 Budget: This will be the subject of a half-day retreat on Friday

Thanks for reading,
Terry and Doreen