Area 51 notes, Sept. 8, 2011

Present:  Mike Roy, Mary Backus, Chris Norris, Terry Simpkins, Carol Peddie, Danna Gianforte, Doreen Bernier

Guests: Ian Burke and Jim Stuart

Jim Stuart and Ian Burke distributed documents to the ADs pertaining to the new anti-virus proposal. Further discussion will be moved to the next AD meeting in order to allow time to receive another competitive price quote and to prepare change management documents.

Jim and Ian also led the ADs through a lengthy discussion on wireless configurations and SSIDs.   The current proposal would redesign the network access control (NAC) on both wired and wireless networks, requiring a mandatory login, most likely through a web-based portal or login page (similar to how access is controlled by hotels, etc.).  This would ensure that machines connecting to the network meet compliance requirements such as antivirus, OS levels/patches, etc., and would allow for on-demand guest registration.  All inventoried computers would be pre-installed to bypass the login feature; all unidentified users would be required to login, assuming their computer meets compliance (any machine not meeting compliance would not be allowed to logon).  Bradford will be on-campus at the end of September to discuss upgrading Campus Manager and CN&I will submit an updated proposal to the ADs for reducing the number of SSIDs.  A communications plan for the College community needs to be developed before implementing this change.

We discussed creating generic accounts for student workers to use for department printing needs.  These are usually created at the beginning of a semester so students are not asked to use personal accounts for departmental printing.  Student organizations could also find these accounts useful.  Mary Backus and Jim Stuart will draft a policy for AD review.  Once approved, this too will need a plan for communicating to the campus.

Thanks for reading,

Terry & Doreen