LibX updated to include Summon searching

Middlebury’s version of the LibX browser extension has been edited so that it can now be used to search Summon.  LibX provides:

  • Toolbar & right-click context menu: Search your library catalog directly from the LibX toolbar or using the right-click context menu.
  • Support for off-campus access via EZProxy/WAM: Using the Library’s off-campus proxy, you may reload a page through the proxy, or follow a link via the proxy, making it appear as though you are coming from an on-campus computer.
  • Quick full text access to journal articles: LibX uses Google Scholar to search for articles and directs the user to the electronic copy subscribed to by your Library. Select a citation, then drag-and-drop it onto the Scholar button on the toolbar. You can use this feature even from inside a PDF file, which makes retrieving papers referenced in a PDF file a snap.
  • Support for embedded cues: LibX places cues in web pages you visit if your library has resources related to that page. Whenever you see the cue, click on the link to look at what the Library has to offer. For instance, book pages at Amazon or Barnes & Noble will contain cues that link to the book’s entry in Midcat. Cues are displayed at Google, Yahoo! Search, the NY Times Book Review, and other pages.

6 thoughts on “LibX updated to include Summon searching

  1. Terry

    Great! Thanks Mike!

    FWIW, Firefox users can force an update to the current version of LibX via Tools –> Add-ons –> Extensions –> Find updates. I assume other browsers will work similarly.

    1. Bryan Carson

      It’s possible you just have to go to “LibX preferences”-> “context menu”, and tick the boxes under “Summon @ Middlebury” for author, keyword, etc. Mine were there, but unticked. Now everything works.

  2. Carrie Macfarlane

    Thanks Mike! Excellent!

    @Brenda: did you update the LibX add-on (as Terry describes)? That worked for me.

    1. Bryan Carson

      It’s possible you just have to go to “LibX preferences”-> “context menu”, and tick the boxes under “Summon @ Middlebury” for author, keyword, etc. Mine were there, but unticked. Now everything works.

  3. Jess Isler

    Nice addition, thanks, Mike! Looking forward to that Chrome version (as promised in the footnote).

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