Issue with HTML Emails for Webforms in Drupal Resolved

Last Thursday I got a notice about the module that sends HTML emails for our website was no longer supported and an upgraded version was available. I installed the new version of the module and its supporting modules, tested submitting a form, got an email response that looked appropriate and upgraded our live servers to use the new version of the module.

Unfortunately, the new version did not work on the production servers. I’ve spent about 20 hours since then trying to figure out why that is the case, but was unable to come up with a solution. Instead, I’ve switched to using another module which is more widely supported. After some issues testing that, and some bug fixes to the Webform module to make them play nice together, emails should now be working as they were prior to Thursday.

If you notice any continued issues with emails from our website, please let me know.

If you want, you can re-send your form’s emails. Click “View submissions” below the form, then click the “View” link next to any submission and you’ll see a link labelled “Re-send emails”.

I’m truly sorry that this issue occurred. I was able to use this opportunity to bring our development and production systems closer to having the same configuration which should help prevent similar errors from happening in the future. As always, I welcome any questions you might have.