Area 51 notes, Jan. 20 & 27, 2011

Present:  Mike Roy, Mary Backus, Terry Simpkins, Chris Norris, Danna Gianforte, Mike Lynch (absent 1/20), Carol Peddie, and Doreen Bernier (absent 1/20)

Jan 20
The meeting was devoted to continuing the review of potential projects submitted for next year’s budget request, along with a review of projects already approved that we may be able to accommodate within this year’s remaining budget.

Jan. 27
The time to solicit nominations for the LIS graduate internship program is upon us.  ADs will send an email to their area workgroups asking for proposals for next year’s program.  Deadline is February 15th.

We had a lengthy conversation about 2 related topics how on-call expectations & cell phone allowances are structured across LIS.  This topic will be continued at next week’s AD meeting

A few recent problems and near-problems have illustrated a need to identify “fragile” and/or high-profile processes within LIS.  Mike Roy will create a Google document for ADs to compile processes that they consider to be fragile, with a deadline of 1 week.

We discussed LIS support for requests made by key staff members, specifically with an eye toward ensuring that these requests receive the appropriate level of support, within an appropriate time-frame.  One response will be to flag these requests within Heat in order to better track and review these requests.

Thanks for reading
Terry & Doreen