Access to NLM’s Visible Human Data sets

The library has just acquired access to data sets and images from the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Visible Human Project.  Access through the library account is available for Middlebury students and faculty using the data sets for teaching and study purposes.  Several types of images are available:

  • Radiological: original radiological images, in GE format as received from MRI and CT scanners, with text files and instructions for opening
  • Fullcolor: original cryosectional images at 0.33mm XY resolution, .RAW format, with instruction
  • 70mm: cryosection images at .17mm XY resolution, derived from scanning the original 70 mm film, in .RGB format, with instructions
  • PNG: original radiological and fullcolor images formatted in .PNG format, with text files of associated MRI and CT headers

If you would like to use this data for teaching or classroom purposes, please contact the LIS liaison for your department.

The NLM asks that anyone using the data sets for their own research purposes, or who is creating new uses for the images (e.g., developing an application to manipulate or view the files, etc.) submit their own application for access, which is free-of-charge. This allows the NLM to better understand and track how the data is being used.  Please submit individual applications directly to the NLM via their website.

We hope you find this resource useful!

Terry Simpkins

Director of Research and Collection Services