Survey for LIS student employees

This is a quick and dirty attempt at a survey… Let’s see if we can get feedback from LIS student employees staffing Circulation, Helpdesk, Tech processing, P&P, Stacks, ILL (and at least some representation from branches).

Email intro something like:

Dear student employee,

To go along with the College web makover, we are creating a new LIS website and we would love your feedback on what works, what doesn’t, and what you would like to see on the site.

Please try to answer these questions from your perspective as a student!

  • What do you use most often on the LIS website? [we could give options or leave it wide open]
  • What features of the LIS website work or could be improved? [same as LIS staff version]
  • Is there anything missing from the LIS website?
  • Rate your level of comfort with these technologies [same as LIS staff version]
  • Is there anything else we should know?

10 thoughts on “Survey for LIS student employees

  1. Carrie Macfarlane

    Thanks Jess, this looks good to me! Regarding “What do you use most often on the LIS website?” I’d say we should leave it wide open. Some students might give URLs, others might be less precise–and either type of answer will be useful to us.

  2. Carrie Macfarlane

    ps – let’s be sure to ask digitalmediators in addition to the other student employees already suggested.

  3. Elin Waagen

    I can send it out on Monday.
    Just to verify:
    Circ – all 3 service points
    Digital Media Tutors (DMT)
    Technology Help Desk (THD)
    Media Services
    Collections Management – P&P. Acq, Cat etc.
    Special Collections, Gov Doc?
    Any others?

    Looks great – many thanks, Jess!


  4. Barbara Merz

    Survey looks perfect – it’s all set to send on Monday as far as I’m concerned. Thanks Jess!

  5. Jessica Isler

    Thanks for sending out the survey, Elin. Looks like we’ve had a few responses already. Hopefully more will trickle in over the next few days!

  6. Jessica Isler

    We have 14 responses so far from our student employees. Given the number of students we have employed here, is that enough? Or should we ask the supervisors to send out reminders and let additional responses come through over the weekend?

  7. Ian McBride

    I’ve just sent this out to the Digital Media Tutors, so we’ll probably get a few more responses over the weekend.

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