What do we owe to Riemann?
After graduating, Riemann spent two years as an unpaid lecturer at Göttingen. In 1854, he prepared to give a lecturer to the faculty in the hopes of attaining a paid position. His topic was non-Euclidean geometry, which greatly appealed to Carl Gauss (shown below), who happened to be one of the most senior members of the committee listening to the lecture.

Riemann searched to develop a system of geometry that didn’t deal with points, lines or shapes in the way they are normally thought about. One example that’s mentioned in the Biography in Context database is a Riemann hypothesis that “every line through a point not on a given line meets that given line”. In other words, it is impossible to construct a truly parallel line – it will always intersect with the original line. Riemann also believed in taking all laws governing points and transforming them to the plenum, which means continuously filled space – essentially predicting dimensions higher than three or four. This is now called Riemannian Geometry. Apparently Riemann’s thinking about curved space even influenced Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.