Gender, Power, and Politics on the Early Modern Stage

Course Resources

Willis — (Un)Neighborly Nurture

Jane Anger

Butler — Performative Acts and Gender Constitution

Carson–The Sound of Gender

Merry Jest of Shrewd and Curst Wife

Lynda Boose

Laqueur One Sex




From Hillary Clinton to Lady Macbeth_ Or Historicizing Gender L

The Early Years: New Yorker article

Huffington Post: Everybody’s Mother

Ambivalent Sexism: Clinton NPR

NYT on Clinton

Clinton as Cleopatra

Clinton: Humans of New York

Ovid — Narcissus and Echo

Jorden Disease of the Mother

Source Duchess of M

Gossip woodcut

Midwife Oath

Dolan – Gender and Sexuality in Early Modern England

Birth of Mankind


Fausto-Sterling — Sexing the Body Ch. 1

Vasvari–Motif of the Shrew



Howard — Sex and Social Conflict


Stallybrass — Transvestism and the body beneath

Cleaver — A Godly Form of Household


Roxane Gay: The Media’s Michelle Obama Problem

Barry Blitt, New Yorker Cartoon

Political Power of Women’s Anger–Traister/Cooper

Witch hunt as “complaint of the powerful” NYT

Anita Hill, NYT Op Ed

KimberlĂ© Crenshaw–Op Ed Anita Hill

Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford Duel with Tears and Fury (NYT)

Myth of Nice Girls and Tough Guys (Time)

Brittney Cooper, White Women’s Tears

Mayowa Aina, NPR–“Harnessing Power of Angry Black Woman”

Orrin Hatch-Kavanaugh hearing

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