Welcome to EC155C. The objective of this course is that each student learns how to use microeconomic reasoning to analyze individual, group, and societal behavior in a wide range of settings and to apply that reasoning to the challenges of our time. This spring, as the global community reckons with persistent inequality and racial injustice, the ongoing pandemic, and the challenges of climate change, we will double down on the theme of our textbook: the economics of a changing world.
This website (also found at go/ec155), a complement to our Canvas site, includes the material found in a standard syllabus: information about course requirements, readings, office hours (also posted below) and policies, and requirements. It also includes an ongoing weekly schedule, which will document our ongoing topics, required and recommended readings, and the due dates of course assignments. The problem sets can be found on our Canvas site, and background for your research papers can be found here.
Good luck in this course. I am looking forward to it.
Professor Jon Isham
Class meetings: Monday and Wednesdays (Gifford Lecture Hall): 2:15 – 3:30
Spring 2023 Office Hours: Monday, 4:00 – 5:30 and Thursday, 10:00 – 12:30 (using Calendly) and by appointment in Warner 016