If you are considering whether (or when) to move on to the post-work phase of your life, it is very likely that you have many questions. For example, you may be wondering:

  • What will happen with my retirement account when I retire? Can someone explain the options I will have for retirement plan distributions? Could I get an estimate of how much income I might expect to receive from my retirement account, post-retirement? How long after retirement will I have to wait before I begin receiving my retirement benefits?
  • Will I be able to remain on Middlebury’s medical/dental/vision plans post-retirement? Will I be able to cover my dependents? How much will it cost? Are there other health coverage options I should consider?
  • Do I have to apply for Medicare A? Medicare B? Medicare D? If so, when?
  • How far in advance of retirement should I contact the Social Security Administration?
  • What will happen with my CTO and SLR balances when I retire? Can I use my accumulated CTO balance to extend my retirement date past the date I will actually stop working?
  • I still have a child in college; if I retire will he/she still be eligible for the dependent tuition benefit?
  • How much notice should I give my manager? What is the process to formally initiate a retirement?
  • Could phased retirement or a transitional retirement plan be right for me? What is involved in pursuing such an option?
  • Would I be eligible to work at Middlebury part-time after I retire? Would doing so have any implications for my ability to draw funds from my retirement plan?
  • Will I still be eligible for Middlebury’s recreational discounts such as Snowbowl, Rikert and the golf course? Are there other perks that come with retirement?
  • Work has been a huge part of my life for decades and I’m concerned about the social and emotional aspects of retiring. Are resources available to help me?

My name is Franklin Daniel and I am Middlebury’s Retirement and Benefits Specialist. Whether you have definite plans to retire in the near future or are just starting to consider the possibility of retiring down-the-road, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you (and your spouse/partner, if you so choose). We can discuss the topics above as well as any other retirement questions/concerns you may have, and I can help connect you with other resources who will be able to assist you with your pre-retirement planning. If the time is right for you to begin gathering information about retiring from Middlebury, please make an appointment by calling me at extension 5755 or emailing me at fdaniel@middlebury.edu. I look forward to meeting you!

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