HOW TO PLAY: Cards representing weapons are placed in the hand of each player character (situated lower right)– enemies populate the upper half of the screen. Use the AD keys to shuffle between cards, and WD to move cards in and out of targeting. Remember to charge your weapons fully to do full damage to enemies– but remember, cards can be knocked out of your hand (and locked for a turn) if you charge too long. Similarly, if an enemy is lining up to do a powerful attack on your character, press the D key to use the current card to block it– if the card’s power is higher than the attacking card, then the attack will be blocked.
DISCLAIMER: The subject art for each card (the weapon, player, and enemy art) belongs to their respective artists and are in no way affiliated with this project– this demo is merely intended as a demonstration of my abilities and is not intended for personal or commercial distribution. All other art and textures (Card frames, card backs, UI, board, timers, and arrows) all belong to me, and are intended to demonstrate my abilities in either field.
This whole process for me really began for me a couple years back. I took a semester abroad in England and performed miserably on my final exams– I had never finished a course so poorly in my life. I was challenged as a computer scientist, that is to say, my will to enter this path was challenged and I felt real, excruciating doubt about my abilities for the first time (maybe not the first time, but definitely to that degree). I felt bottom-of-the-barrel bad– here, I want to be a programmer and my courses did not show it! I really wanted to vindicate myself. I wanted to pick myself up again and prove to myself what I was capable of.
And that’s how this project began– slow, at first, making the foundation. Covering basics. How is the game structured/ what will it look like? How does it feel? Working on a game like this by yourself is definitely a little tough– tough to find the time, in-between jobs and finishing my undergraduate degree. But I can wholeheartedly estimate that upwards of 200+ hours have gone into already. So yes, while it’s undone, it’s a labor of love– it shows my ability as a programmer and as an artist working with Photoshop. While there’s more to do, and lots to polish, the game is in a good state– all of the cards are created at runtime using a JSON database, so card details and text can be changed easily; this is facilitated by unity’s built-in render texture camera, which allows for dynamic textures that are created on the fly. So while you’ll only see a couple cards in the demo, the game was formulated so that it was easy to create and establish more. I hope you like it!
– Thomas