Exec Files: Vol. IV

The WRMC executive board presents their favorite tracks, albums, artists, and/or music videos of the week, old and new, but mostly new. TRACK: Tei Shi – “Bassically” Nothing indicates a genuine up-and-comer more than an artist playing a dutiful slew of shows at the annual CMJ festival, and this year the recently signed Tei Shi (Valerie Teicher),… Continue reading Exec Files: Vol. IV

The Old Man and the Chord of C

The man in the above picture should be known by all students of the college variety. He is the greatest novelist that ever lived. Ernest Hemingway. The picture was taken aboard his yacht, the Pilar, circa 1950. About when this picture was taken, Hemingway published The Old Man and the Sea. The novella marked Hemingway’s… Continue reading The Old Man and the Chord of C