Ward Wolff Wednesdays* 1

These are new songs off of new albums that we like. Don’t yell at us if they aren’t fresh enough for you. This is Vermont. Our internet tubes are filled with Cabot cheese. Digitalism (Idealism) – Digitalism: this shit is fairly epic…..Zdarlight(mp4) Bonde Do Role (With Lasers) – It’s in Portuguese. We don’t know what… Continue reading Ward Wolff Wednesdays* 1

Number 1 in the Champlain Valley

We are back on the air. We are back on top in the Champlain Valley. We are back into glow-in-the-dark shirts, fannypacks, and asymmetrical outfits. And we are so back into LNDPs. This Friday night (somewhere, sometime to sometime) the torches in Proctor will burn brightly and the mead will flow like fucking bromine: MERRY-MAKING…broadcast… Continue reading Number 1 in the Champlain Valley


“So…I’m like throwing this party this Saturday…but you have to promise to dance.”