Bodies of Water

Yeah, I know – I hate “sounds like” or “recommended if you like” characterizations as much as the next guy, but there’s no better way to describe them: Arcade Fire if they were from Southern California, didn’t have so many members, and were into God; ABBA if they weren’t so old. Guy/girl vocal trade off,… Continue reading Bodies of Water


alex, stina and i paid a visit to our quasi-French neighbors to the north last night to catch the hotness that is chromeo and flosstradamus, at club 1234 in montreal. after enjoying the favorable exchange rate, taking part in some shady dealings, and waiting in line for an hour, we made our way into the… Continue reading MONTREAL 7/12/07: CHROMEO & FLOSSTRADAMUS at CLUB 1234

Montreal 7/12/07: Chromeo & Flosstradamus at Club 1234

alex, stina and i paid a visit to our quasi-French neighbors to the north last night to catch the hotness that is chromeo and flosstradamus, at club 1234. after enjoying the favorable exchange rate, taking part in some shady dealings, and waiting in line for an hour, we made our way into the club. flosstradamus… Continue reading Montreal 7/12/07: Chromeo & Flosstradamus at Club 1234

Ward Wolff Wednesdays 3

This music is so good, it hurts to listen to. Almost as much as Dakota’s wrist hurts right now. Gouseion. (Puisne) – If these beats had lyrics, they’d be cooler than the other side of your pillow.Turing Test(mp3) Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly (The Chronicles of a Bohemian Teenager) – Sweetest band name ever. Their… Continue reading Ward Wolff Wednesdays 3


so the college supposedly paid a consulting firm $20 million to come up with this brilliantly intricate logo. $20 million for 12 lines….wow. that breaks down to something like $1,666,666 per line. and it looks like the school is somehow affiliated with Canada. more food for thought: 666 is the number of the devil, and… Continue reading stupid…….


We present to you Mr. Beam’s latest release, featuring the whispery vocals and tales of little boys that we have all come to know and love. This time, though, he has upped the ante. Guitar and bass loops alongside synth whirs and whips add to the new rough electronic sound. We will have to wait… Continue reading IRON & WINE

2 nights ago…..

…….the coolest people in the world were at studio b in brooklyn, dancing their pants off to kid sister, flosstradamus and the sensational chromeo. make sure you catch them this summer on their fancy footwork tour. until they make their way up to montreal’s club1234 on july 12, those of us trapped in the northeast… Continue reading 2 nights ago…..


ward wolff wednesdays 3 was cancelled yesterday, 4 July 2007, while all of us at WRMC celebrated the birth of our nation…. …as well as the great service and sacrifice Will Smith and his fellow Air Force pilots made to our country, and world, during the 1996 Alien Invasion. God Bless America.

Ward Wolff Wednesdays 2

These are new songs off of new albums that we like. Don’t yell at us if they aren’t fresh enough for you. This is Vermont. Our internet tubes are filled with ‘Otter Summer. Boombip (Sacchrilege EP) – This album proves that Boombip’s change from shitty IDM to good Dancehall was a synth-tastic idea.One of Eleven(mp4)… Continue reading Ward Wolff Wednesdays 2


WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury has joined the coalition to save internet radio. We are speaking out against the recent ruling by the Copyright Royalty Board to increase webcasters’ royalty rates between 300 and 1200 percent over the next 5 years. This ruling presents a grave danger for the future of the diversity of internet radio… Continue reading SAVE INTERNET RADIO