The Sound(cloud) of (Smog)

When the words “Smog” and “Middlebury” are mentioned in the same breath, it’s natural for one to conjure an image of the large, black, polyhedron mass that looms ominously on the outside of McCardell Bicentennial Hall.  But, If you’ve ever had the pleasure of spending a few hours with WRMC automation, another thought may come to mind.… Continue reading The Sound(cloud) of (Smog)

Notes From the Underground: Vol. 1

Hey all. Welcome 2 my new series, “Notes from the Underground,” based (v loosely, only in name) on Dostoevsky’s novel by the same name. The plan is to bring to all of you my penchant for compulsively mining the deepest corners of the Soundcloud Esotercica-verse. If this sounds daunting, don’t worry. I’m doing the work, you… Continue reading Notes From the Underground: Vol. 1