Hot 91: Best Tracks of the Summer Past

Every spring, WRMC hosts Top 91, otherwise known as the best party/radio countdown event of the year. In order to be eligible for Top 91 a song must have been released in the past school year, inclusive of the summer, and it must receive enough votes from WRMC DJs to merit a coveted spot. After… Continue reading Hot 91: Best Tracks of the Summer Past

UPCOMING CONCERTS: August & September

Welcome to WRMC’s End of Summer/Back to School concert guide to the Champlain Valley (and beyond). This edition covers the upcoming month of August for all straggling summer bums hangin’ around Middlebury and September as well so all of you can start carefully planning your orientation/first few week shenanigans when your biggest concerns revolve around reading syllabi, decorating… Continue reading UPCOMING CONCERTS: August & September