Jacco Gardner // Hypnophobia

Jacco Gardner’s Hypnophobia is lush and intricately layered, full of strings and synths. In this highly introspective album the young Dutch artist explores the world between waking and sleeping. Hypnophobia is the fear of sleep and, having had many weird and introspective anxiety dreams myself lately, I really believe the thoughts we experience in our… Continue reading Jacco Gardner // Hypnophobia

Hookworms // The Hum

The Hum, Hookworms’ latest album, continues their tradition of noisy, droning, and lively neo-psych, full of the feedback and strong bass lines we’ve come to expect from their past works. I truly love drone, but find a lot of drone rock is bland, overly repetitive, and dull. Hookworms is never dull. Minimalistic in spots, but… Continue reading Hookworms // The Hum