Girls in bands

It’s been a good month for women and it’s been a good month for music.  Kim Gordon‘s memoir, Girl in a Band, hit bookstore shelves in late February, and this past week Carrie Brownstein announced that her memoir, Hunger Makes Me A Modern Girl, will come out in the fall.  Brownstein recently did a hilarious live interview with Gordon, in which the two discuss the pervasive and engrained… Continue reading Girls in bands

Exec Files: Vol. IV

The WRMC executive board presents their favorite tracks, albums, artists, and/or music videos of the week, old and new, but mostly new. TRACK: Tei Shi – “Bassically” Nothing indicates a genuine up-and-comer more than an artist playing a dutiful slew of shows at the annual CMJ festival, and this year the recently signed Tei Shi (Valerie Teicher),… Continue reading Exec Files: Vol. IV

R.I.P. Girls (the band)

|:-|<:-( <:'-( <:,"-( (these emoticons are crying) Let the wails of protest and lament commence, for I deeply regret to inform the WRMC community that San Francisco-via-the Children of God cult  (no, but really) garage-rock duo Girls is no longer an active music-making unit. Founder and frontman Christopher Owens announced that he would no longer be… Continue reading R.I.P. Girls (the band)

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