Can We Please STOP Singling Out “We Can’t Stop”?

Hi cultural critics!  Boy, I know this might not be news to you, but I just have to say it again: you know who is lame lame lame?  That Miley Cyrus character and her new song, “We Can’t Stop.”  Ugh.  Drunk, no-talent, Disney-vom, mildly-racist-definitely-ignorant dum-dum.  Ugh.  You know what else is lame and stupid and… Continue reading Can We Please STOP Singling Out “We Can’t Stop”?

The Future Is Not What It Used To Be

Once simply a (frighteningly addictive) anonymous mix exchange, Tiny Mix Tapes is now one of the foremost online publications about independent music and popular culture currently running. Its contributors’ broad-ranging tastes run more toward the experimental and esoteric; this, as well as their seriously well-read, probably college-educated (hey!) backgrounds in philosophy, sociology, and literary theory… Continue reading The Future Is Not What It Used To Be