Slacker Sunday: Skool is 4 Chumps

Summer is over, school is in session and you’re probably in deep procrastination mode if you’re reading the WRMC blog right now. So quit trying so hard and embrace the season’s passing with a playlist meant for some Sunday slacking. Shark – Big Summer (Summer Ale) LVL UP – Bro Chillers Real Estate – Saturday Morning Built to… Continue reading Slacker Sunday: Skool is 4 Chumps


Welcome to the Fall 2015 edition of WRMC’s concert guide to the Champlain Valley and beyond!  Most shows on this list take place at the three main Burlington venues – The Monkey House, Signal Kitchen, and Higher Ground or at various locations on the Middlebury campus. Don’t miss the stacked S.O.S. Fest lineup the first Friday and… Continue reading UPCOMING CONCERTS: Fall 2015

Exec Files: Vol. VI

The WRMC executive board presents their favorite tracks, albums, artists, and/or music videos of the week, old and new, but mostly new. TRACK: Waxahatchee – “Bathtub” Fuck T.S. Eliot, October is the cruelest month. I hold strong and true to my belief that October, more than any other month, is packed with aching. It’s a kind of aching that urges… Continue reading Exec Files: Vol. VI

Cymbals Eat Guitars // LOSE

You’re driving on the densest highway system in the most densely populated state, passing more diners, shopping malls, and toxic waste dumps than than anywhere else in the country.  You’re on your way to ride the tallest Roller Coaster in the world with your best friends in a town named after the biggest slaveowner in… Continue reading Cymbals Eat Guitars // LOSE

Summer Spins

Welcome to the first edition of Summer Spins, WRMC’s round up of the best new tracks buzzing around the station. During our break from programming we received a ton of great new music in the mail from our lovely promoters. With teetering CD stacks on deck and coffee on ice, your summer managers have been sorting… Continue reading Summer Spins