The last time we heard new music from Boards of Canada was in 2006, when they released their EP Trans Canada Highway. Up until then, they stood alongside Aphex Twin as one of the biggest acts on Warp, the British independent label best known for its cutting-edge electronic releases in the 1990s and early 2000s. The… Continue reading Everything you need to know about the Boards of Canada comeback
Tag: Boards of Canada
4ll t3h r0b0tz r b3l0|\|g t0 m3 – 3p150d3 0|\|3
Are you in Vermont this summer? Do you listen to 91.1? Have you been wondering what the ambient psychedelism that makes you want to erupt into a giggle fit is all about? Well, I am in control of the robots – that is, until they develop sentience. But for the time being, they’re broadcasting only… Continue reading 4ll t3h r0b0tz r b3l0|\|g t0 m3 – 3p150d3 0|\|3
Wardicus Wednesday #6 – Library Relics
In an effort to be remembered as the music managers who finally got the record library under control, Rachael and I have been spending a lot of time going through the stacks trying to figure ways of better organizing the labyrinth. While not actually succeeding and only finding my way out of the depths by… Continue reading Wardicus Wednesday #6 – Library Relics