UPCOMING CONCERTS: August & September

Welcome to WRMC’s End of Summer/Back to School concert guide to the Champlain Valley (and beyond). This edition covers the upcoming month of August for all straggling summer bums hangin’ around Middlebury and September as well so all of you can start carefully planning your orientation/first few week shenanigans when your biggest concerns revolve around reading syllabi, decorating… Continue reading UPCOMING CONCERTS: August & September

200 Million Thousand Billion Hundred Ones

The Black Lips have done it again. Their new album, which hits stores on Tuesday the 24th is a great work running on the heals of their 2007 release “Good Bad Not Evil.” The latest effort, “200 Million Thousand,” utilizes the sounds of 60’s surf punk and Cole Alexander’s drooling vocals to create another fine,… Continue reading 200 Million Thousand Billion Hundred Ones

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