A playlist of sometimes wordless, sometimes weird, sometimes worthwhile music for studying/writing/procrastinating purposes. If this playlist doesn’t workout for you, try listening moving your body to the new Arca album to get your neurons firing. Full Spotify playlist below. Todd Terje – “Inspector Norse” (It’s Album Time) Com Truise – “Sundriped” (Cyanide Sisters EP) Caribou – “Silver” (Our Love) Jamie xx… Continue reading PLAYLIST: Exams Shmexams
Tag: ambient
4ll t3h r0b0tz r b3l0|\|g t0 m3 – 3p150d3 0|\|3
Are you in Vermont this summer? Do you listen to 91.1? Have you been wondering what the ambient psychedelism that makes you want to erupt into a giggle fit is all about? Well, I am in control of the robots – that is, until they develop sentience. But for the time being, they’re broadcasting only… Continue reading 4ll t3h r0b0tz r b3l0|\|g t0 m3 – 3p150d3 0|\|3