Have you ever wondered what’s playing on WRMC when no one’s on campus? Ever turned on your radio at 4 am and wondered why in god’s name someone is playing such a—dare I say it—“eclectic” playlist featuring Ricky Martin followed by Grimes followed by a Nigerian Funk song? Odds are, if you’ve tuned in during… Continue reading SHOW SPOTLIGHT: WRMC Automation

Winter-y Music Wednesdays featuring Allo, Darlin’

Christmas music. Ukuleles. Who knew, huh? Allo Darlin‘ comes from down under and just knows how to get your hips moving with a pop-y electric guitar or swaying with a mellow uku. They’re great. Just great. So here’s a nice winter-y song to warm you up through this cold cold week. Baby It’s Cold Outside… Continue reading Winter-y Music Wednesdays featuring Allo, Darlin’