This coming Thursday at 7:30 pm we will host our biannual All DJ Meeting in Axinn 229. This meeting is required for anyone and everyone interested in having a radio show for the spring semester, including returning DJs who had shows this past fall. If you’re unsure whether you want to host a show or not, feel free to stop by the meeting to learn more or read… Continue reading WRMC ALL DJ MEETING: Get a Radio Show this Spring
Category: Reggae
J-term is just around the corner and we’ve got some big plans for events, some new shows and DJs, and for the first time in a while….A WRMC PRINT PUBLICATION. According to various ephemera gathered around the station, tales of old, and the internet, WRMC’s original publication, FMPhasis hasn’t been in publication since 2004ish, but its history dates… Continue reading SUBMIT TO WRMC’S PRINT ZINE
WRMC’s 2014 in Review
2014 was a weird year for music. This year Miley Cyrus‘ Bangerz and Pavement‘s Brighten the Corners received equal airplay on WRMC whether we could help it or not, streaming services began counting towards Billboard charts, Apple discontinued the iPod Classic, Vinyl sales shot up by 49%, The Knife and Crystal Castles broke up, the Grammy nominations and Rolling Stone‘s… Continue reading WRMC’s 2014 in Review
Exec Files: Vol. VI
The WRMC executive board presents their favorite tracks, albums, artists, and/or music videos of the week, old and new, but mostly new. TRACK: Waxahatchee – “Bathtub” Fuck T.S. Eliot, October is the cruelest month. I hold strong and true to my belief that October, more than any other month, is packed with aching. It’s a kind of aching that urges… Continue reading Exec Files: Vol. VI
WRMC ALL DJ MEETING: Get a Radio Show this Fall!
This Thursday at 8 pm all Middlebury music lovers and radioheads alike are invited to convene in McCullough Social Space for the biannual WRMC All DJ Meeting. This meeting is a must for anyone and everyone interested in having a radio show for the fall semester. WAIT…MIDDLEBURY HAS A RADIO STATION? Yes. Since 1949. WHAT! WHERE?… Continue reading WRMC ALL DJ MEETING: Get a Radio Show this Fall!