From the 617: Magic Man

Alright, loyal readers. You’ve all waited too long and through too false promises for me to continue not writing about Magic Man. So, here it is – right now: the story of the 617′s fastest rising stars. Ok, well, maybe it’s not much of a story. But what is important to know is that it all started… Continue reading From the 617: Magic Man

From the 617: The Novel Ideas

I’ll be frank with you: Boston gets a pretty bad rap here on campus. More specifically, the city’s metropolitan area–popularly known as JOB (Just Outside of Boston)–is particularly stigmatized, its natives burdened with the stereotypes of wealth, privilege, genericness and  creative vacuity. This mini-series of blog posts, From the 617, is intended to debunk these conceptions… Continue reading From the 617: The Novel Ideas

Summer Travel Tracks: Music To Bump While Mobile

Here we are, Radioland, on the first of July, entering into the heart of summer. Though we’re all off doing our own thing–whether that be finding the cure for malaria in Senegal, unicycling cross-country with a newly formed political activism group, or commuting daily to that chic summer internship you scored back in December (which,… Continue reading Summer Travel Tracks: Music To Bump While Mobile

Thundercat – Apocalypse (6/4/13)

Artist: Thundercat Album: Apocalypse Record Label: Brainfeeder Release Date: June 4th, 2013 Genre: Neo-Soul Grade: B+ RIYL: Flying Lotus, SBTRKT, D’Angelo, Herbie Hancock As a huge fan of Flying Lotus and his various side-projects, proteges and alter-egos, I was ecstatic to discover that not only does he own and curate the record label Brainfeeder, but that… Continue reading Thundercat – Apocalypse (6/4/13)

The Dirty Projectors Live (Tonight In Burlington)

As you may or may not know, the Dirty Projectors are somewhat of a big deal in the indie music world. Or at least they are in the microcosm that is Lee’s recently refined music world. So when it was announced months ago that they’d be playing at Skidmore College this past Saturday night, I… Continue reading The Dirty Projectors Live (Tonight In Burlington)