Real Estate // Atlas

It’s hard to quantify just how eager I was for Atlas. Real Estate’s self-titled debut was the soundtrack to the winter of my freshman year. In just their first release, they already seemed to encapsulate that jangly “beach pop” sound that’s become a recent obsession in indie music. Their follow-up, Days, landed in 2011 to… Continue reading Real Estate // Atlas

High on Sky

It’s 11 PM on a Friday night. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? Sky Ferreira just released a new single. It’s called “You’re Not The One”. This is your new jam. (Shout out to MD Dyl!) [soundcloud url=”″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Not to be confused with “You’re The One” by Ms. XCX: But it’s cool,… Continue reading High on Sky

Top 91 2013 Results

91.Oversaturated – Rubblebucket 90. Sleeping Ute – Grizzly Bear 89. Fall For You – Young Galaxy 88. True Thrush – Dan Deacon 87. Ego Sex Free – Autre Ne Veut 86. & It Was U – How To Dress Well 85. Your Life, Your Call – Junip 84. A Tooth For An Eye – The… Continue reading Top 91 2013 Results

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Top 91 2013!

It’s finally here!!! Tonight beginning at 7 pm, we’ll begin our broadcast of the top 91 songs from the past year. Tune in then or head down then to be a part of the live broadcast from the Mill. Check back tomorrow for the complete list!

Top 30 4/30 Recap: Phoenix Rises

After just a week on the air, Phoenix’s “Bankrupt!” is already our top played album. Met with mostly positive reviews and popularly described as “Phoenix-y,” it marks a strong follow-up to their fourth album, 2009’s Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix.  My personal favorite is the second-to-last track “Bourgeois,” a beautiful and anthemic ballad (sorta Small Black meets… Continue reading Top 30 4/30 Recap: Phoenix Rises

Video: “You & Me” – Disclosure

Disclosure just released the video for their latest single “You & Me” (feat. Eliza Doolittle) and EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH. Not surprisingly, it focuses on a young couple falling in and out of love as they romp around Europe. Sorta Rihanna “We Found Love”-esque, but more adorable and less terrifying. I’m gonna say it: one… Continue reading Video: “You & Me” – Disclosure

VIDEO: Charles Bradley – “Strictly Reserved For You”

Check out Charles Bradley’s new music video for “Strictly Reserved For You” off his sophomore LP, “Victim of Love”. It features Bradley dancing, singing, flying(?), floating (???) soulfully in and around NYC. If you still haven’t been convinced that it’s worth your time, here are some previews that will change your mind: A real Friday… Continue reading VIDEO: Charles Bradley – “Strictly Reserved For You”