Leftsetz or Rightsetz?


My thoughts on “Gotta Get To Know You” by Bob Lefsetz

“Because it’s about the experience, whether it be coming or listening to music, it’s what it feels like during, not what you’re left with after.”

First of all, this is an amazing song from an amazing band. You should definitely take a listen to Foghat’s  “I Just Want To Make Love To You” – it’s one of my favorites.

Second, I think Bobby boy has a point here. Music is about the experience of listening to it and devoting 20 or so minutes to a full album. No one nowadays ever does that. It is all about that one song, by the random artist that you listen to while doing other things. Music used to be an event, not just a background noise. Sitting down between two speakers, and just closing your eyes and listening- putting you into a certain mindset.

I suggest everyone take a few minutes to listen to just listen to music. Just sit with your headphones in or on big speakers and listen. You’ll be surprised how much more you hear in the music.

Some album suggestions:

Immunity – Jon Hopkins

Foghat – Foghat

Copenhagen Dreams – Jóhann Jóhannsson

White Album – The Beatles

Get Your Ya-Ya’s Out – The Rolling Stones

Wakin on a Pretty Daze – Kurt Vile


Bob Lefsetz is an American music industry analyst and critic, and author of the email newsletter and blog, the Lefsetz letter, not to mention a Midd graduate! In his newsletter he critiques music, the changing tides of the industry and adds in his personal feelings on all sorts of topics, from politics to pets. This blog series will be my responses to his emotionally charged rants on the music industry. I will try to simplify what he says and give my own two cents on the topics being discussed. Enjoy!

Full Article: http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/2014/04/22/gotta-get-know/


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