Radio Campus Orleans 88.3FM: Miam Les Fruits vs. DHK Inside

yesterday was Bastille day, so in honor of the french and the founding of the first republic i introduce to you: Radio Campus Orleans 88.3FM

. radio campus orleans is a french, independent radio station, and Miam Les Fruits vs. DHK Inside is a weekly program on the station. despite my francophilia, i unfortunately don’t speak any french, and therefore have no idea what i’m talking about, but from what i gather, miam les fruits is a dude and the show he does is somehow affiliated with pharrell from fluokids. their show is pretty much playing sets from famous djs, as well as their own electronica or reggae/hiphop/dub sets.

anyway, i came across their program and 88.3FM on fluokids this spring, when pharrell posted a show by Mitch Silver and A-Trak. like most things i download, the show disappeared into the abyss of my hardrive. yesterday, however, in the process of breaking and fixing my ipod, i inadvertently updated all the podcasts i had ever subscribed to and voila, next thing I know i’m listening to this dirty 1 and 1/2 hour house mix.

so the point of this post is that Radio Campus Orleans 88.3FM is an amazing radio station. head over to, click broadcast in the right hand column, and then click les emissions to see all the programming. to download their older podcasts, head over to miam les fruits’s myspace. vive la france;)

*if anyone understands french and wants to correct our mistakes, comment and/or shoot us an email.


  1. i have a question and dont know where to post it. what song was played around 5:23ish 7/18? its dancey with the main refrain ‘colors and… colors’ or something like that. any help is appreciated

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