sean nicholas savage // other life


Artist: Sean Nicholas Savage

Album: Other Life

Label: Arbutus Records

After reading the Juliette and John’s amazing review of their experience on the roo ride I felt inspired to write a review of Sean Nicholas Savage’s new album Other Life. As I stated in one of my earlier reviews of his single “Lonely Woman,” Sean Nicholas Savage’s unique blend of modern sounds with old school rhythms has grown on me over the past few months. While listening to “Other Life” I got the impression that Sean had really poured his heart and soul into making the album and never failed to show his true colors that paint his dark and complicated, yet fragile, character.

Sean’s song “You Changed Me” added a lot of layers to the album with its ethereal harmonies and delicate guitar melody. Sean’s music video for the song provides a portrait for displaying his avant garde perspective as not only an artist, but a human being. Although many of his songs contain simple chord progressions, Sean uses those elements to express very intense sentiments, which requires a lot of emotional dedication.In my opinion, it’s not about how well a musician can master a difficult song, but how well theycan extract meaning from the notes they sing.

Savage’s “Other Life” reminds me of musicians’ true dedication to their work as a tool for defining their purpose as people and thus their character.

Check on Sean’s label, Arbutus Records, to see if you like any of the music they put out. I admire pretty much every musician on the label.

By will brennan

you don't know my life!

1 comment

  1. I LOVE this album! And I’m so happy you reviewed it because I feel like it hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves — he makes schmaltz sound so lascivious! A passing exposure to the arrangements doesn’t communicate how lyrically brave he is to expose himself (pun intended)….

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