New Music Thursdays (?) featuring Freelance Whales

I realize.
It’s Thursday.
You somehow made it past the hump without a new song for your listening pleasure and I apologize.
To make it up let’s talk about Freelance Whales.
This year’s “Band To Watch” according to stereogum, Freelance Whales hails from Queens, New York where many will find them playing their amalgamation of unique instruments on street corners or (as shown above) in the subway.
The band describes their sound as “if someone wired their heart to a synthesizer” which I think greatly discredits their own work and makes them sound like Passion Pit (not a bad thing, but still).
I say this because the band indeed breaks away from the all-too-familiar synth-y sound of ’09 with tunes like Generator 2nd Floor which sounds like something off of the Little Miss Sunshine Soundtrack (in a very positive way). Sterogum’s description is spot on describing:

sounds that are acoustic and precious, boldly baring bespectacled sensitivity and couching touching melodies in delicate instrumentation: everything from guitars, banjos, tambourines, harmonium, and glockenspiels to yes the occasional keyboard and laptop assist.

But I will stop telling you and let you find out yourself with a video displaying their incredible acoustic talents in a pitch black room (something I would not mind seeing replicated in the Gamut Room) and a song showing their ability to rock out a synth-y tune.

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