In an effort to increase communication, collaboration and transparency, we have created a website to hold all the resources for the structural change and planning process here at MIIS.  The website includes the videos made by the students, the memos to the community, the strategic planning process (including the student group findings in 2006), Monterey Way 2.0, a schedule for upcoming meetings/events, and an FAQ section.

There is also an area for “items to be considered”, which will continue to grow as working groups identify key areas to focus on in the planning process and these areas will be tracked for progress.

This website is a work in progress and can only continue to grow with your help.  Please coordinate any work groups  with Lynn McDonald ( or ext. 4633) so she can continue to best represent this process online and keep the communication lines open.

This is an opportunity for real exciting change – let’s keep communication open and work together on this large task for the upcoming year!
