Year in Review

Holiday greetings and best wishes from the Monterey Institute of International Studies!

As the Monterey Institute community looks forward to another great year we would like to share some of the highlights from 2013. We had a lot of good stories to pick from this year but have picked five that reflect the spirit of the year – high level campus visits, alumni engagement, exciting activities and amazing student achievements.

In January, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon honored the Monterey Institute and its James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies with a visit:

And in July the Institute welcomed a large group of alumni for the first alumni reunion in five years:

Monterey Institute alumni are in high demand in the challenging job market, as shown by the very high employment numbers for our recent graduates. Another indicator is the flurry of employment activities connected to the annual Career Fair:

The fourth annual TEDxMonterey was held in April, further strengthening the bonds between the Institute and the larger Monterey Peninsula community. Earlier in the month students and staff worked together to mount an Inside Out art action showing the many faces of our community:

And last, but by no means least, are the incredible stories of the fascinating people who make up our student body: