
Advancement Coordinator Dollie Pope.

Continuing our annual series on the spirit of giving thanks, we are happy to feature longtime Monterey Institute staff member Dollie Pope, advancement coordinator.  When asked what she is most thankful for this year, Dollie was quick to respond with: “collaboration and good teamwork.” She points out the obvious but often overlooked fact that “we can’t reach our goals or solve any hard problems, whether personal or global without working together.”

Dollie says that she feels very fortunate for her family and the people she works with and that it is very “good to know that there are people you can count on in life.” Dollie herself is known as one of the rocks of the Institute, always willing to extend a helping hand to anyone in need. It is nice to hear that it goes both ways. Says Dollie: “Just yesterday I was swamped here at work and I was able to enlist the help of my colleagues to get the job done.” According to Dollie, the keys to good collaboration are to listen well and to be willing to compromise and help out. We could probably all agree on the wisdom of that.